Al Kingsley

My School & Multi-Academy Trust Growth Guide

If you're looking for a guide on how to expertly navigate the growth of your school or multi-academy trust, Al Kingsley’s "My School & Multi-Academy Trust Growth Guide" should be your go-to. It's packed with practical advice and insights from Kingsley's extensive experience in the education sector, offering a strategic approach to expanding educational institutions within the multi-academy trust framework. Whether you're a seasoned leader or new to the world of educational management, this guide has something for everyone.

Al Kingsley really gets into the nitty-gritty of what it means to grow a trust, but he does it in such a way that you don’t feel overwhelmed. He covers everything from financial challenges to staff recruitment, all the while keeping a keen eye on how these changes affect the community and school governance. What's great is how he balances deep analysis with a style that's easy to digest. 

The guide is super practical too – it includes a 'Quick Checklist' to help leaders systematically evaluate growth opportunities. Plus, with real-life case studies and questions that make you think, it’s like having a mentor there with you. Kingsley focuses on important themes like student outcomes, leadership, and responsible growth. He’s honest about the risks involved, reminding us that growing a trust is about more than just numbers – it’s about values and sustainability.

"My School & Multi-Academy Trust Growth Guide" is a standout because it's not just about the 'how-to.' It’s a thought partner, blending the practical aspects of running trusts with a strong moral compass in education. This is what makes it unique.

What do we think? 

This guide is a treasure trove for any educational leader or governing body thinking about or already on the journey of trust growth. It's a comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide that doesn’t just tell you what to do but also gets you thinking about why you’re doing it. Highly recommended.